Well,Now I get up.Hello for FC Barcelona Fan & players &関係者.Your team is very attractive team,I think.Because You are Free.Clearly Free than Japanese all clubs.If I were You,I support your 執政官 熱狂的
I now advice you that You All should not Come in Japan at least in August.Because We will Match for Abe and Aso. They are Devil for me.And We will Win for them.But You know,物事を進めるのは常に過程を経なければ進まないということを。Tokyo is the safe City.But we 必ず政変が起こる前なので凄いことになる.そこであなた方が来ると混乱をましますよね.警視庁の方々も今、物凄い状態なのです. だから来ないでください.おねがいします.